Two new spots have opened up in the Burnaby city council with the by-election election date set for June 26th (advanced voting begin June 12th) and the Burnaby Green Party has announced two prime candidates to fill the position; Mehreen Chaudry (left) and Teresa Rossiello (right).
Shortly after the announcement of the two candidates, the party released its new housing policy platform, which, the party’s social media has claimed, will be a top priority for both of these candidates once elected.
In the 2021 Burnaby Housing Report it states that ”Affordability is the most significant housing challenge in Burnaby, with 23.7% owner households and 36.9% of renter households experiencing unaffordability in 2016”.
Highlighted as Anticipated Housing Needs, the report speaks to the need for more diversity in the housing stock in the form of ground-oriented multifamily homes. This is one method identified to account for the additional 27,300 residents projected to live in Burnaby between 2021 and 2030.
The needs highlighted in the report are addressed explicitly in the Green Party’s new policy platform, namely, tackling rezoning to include family areas with 3-4 story rental homes as well as the introduction of a 99 year lease to partners that may provide social housing and rentals.
The party is also looking for new ways to lessen the financial burdens that the report identifies being placed onto renters and home owners by potentially reduce parking requirements in eligible locations in order to reduce housing costs.
With one of the city council members already a Green Party representative (Joe Keithley), the potential election of Mehreen Chaudry and Teresa Rossiello puts the new policy platform in a strong position.
To read more about the new Burnaby Green Party platforms or to hear more about the two new candidates for the Burnaby city council check out the Burnaby Green Party page