Global Green News is run by volunteers. We are currently growing our global network of content contributors. Our mission is to build this website into the go to news source for Green Party news from around the world.
How to submit News tips and story ideas
We are currently accepting news tips and story ideas by email at editor@GlobalGreen.News Submissions car range from pre written stories (including titles and images) to informal tips or press releases. When submitting pre written stories, please include your name and affiliation with the Green Party or any people or organizations covered in your story. Our editors reserve the right to edit the content for simplicity, readability and relevancy to fit with the overall style and editorial standards of the site.
How to Become a Regular Contributor
We are currently accepting applications from individuals who would like to become regular contributors to our website. Regular contributors will be given a profile on the site where their bio and content will be featured. They will also gain priority access to the editor and, if they like, can be assigned stories to write by the editor.
If you are interested in becoming a regular contributor, please fill out this form.
Although funding is not available for content creators for the time being, we hope to build a donor base that will allow us to pay content creators as the site develops.