If they are struggling to impose themselves on the political chessboards, the African green parties are spreading there more and more. The official release of the Solidarity, Order, Freedom, Ecology, Innovation and Light Party, “S.O.L.E.I.L” in acronym (in French) is an example that shows that political ecology is making its way on the African continent. This party created by Dr. Médard Dieya-Dieya breathes new life into the Congolese political scene by campaigning for good nature conservation.
While donors and Western powers are urging Africa to make its “green transition” for less polluting sustainable development, the leader of the environmentalist party “S.O.L.E.I.L” calls on his compatriots to think together in order to find a SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION to the problem of global warming which constitutes a real threat not only for the Congolese but also for the whole of Africa.
“We have a duty to protect the planet… when nature gets angry, everyone cries. That’s why our country, the DRC, stabilizes the ecosystem and, within the environmentalist party, we have chosen to preach the protection of the environment because the environment is our brother and nature, our sister”, indicated Dr Médard Dieya Dieya.

The environmentalist party “S.O.L.E.I.L” wants to fight to preserve the planet destroyed by human activity. Its president calls on young and old alike to massively join this environmentalist party for a better future for the environment.
It should be noted that a few weeks before COP 27, which will be held in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt at the beginning of November, a forum called PRECOP 27, organized in Kinshasa, brought together more than 64 ministers in charge of the Environment and Climate, from all over the world. This forum focused on adaptation to climate impacts, climate finance, environmental loss and damage, and issues relating to the mobilization of the resources necessary to enable the Congo Basin to take an active part. In the energy transition, for its green development and the creation of jobs for young people.

Despite the efforts made by some existing green parties on the African continent to fight to improve their presence in political life, we note, however, that ecology is emerging less and less in the action programs and social projects of many African political parties.
According to the results of various surveys conducted in 2020 by Afrobarometer, an African research network, environmental challenges are not yet at the heart of the concerns of African voters.
When we observe the African political environment, we do not see the same presence of the environmental movement as in Europe or elsewhere.

A green party defends the integration of ecological and environmental ideas in the management of the city. This vision is shared by a very small part of the political parties in Africa. This is due to two issues. The first is a problem specific to political parties in general in Africa. Very few defend a vision, a project, or an ideal. Political groups are formed around personalities, ethnic or even religious groups. The absence of visions and ideals in the parties relegates the defense of the environment to political priorities.
The second reason that explains this virtual non-existence of green parties in Africa is the lack of knowledge of environmental problems. More and more actions for the protection of the environment are carried out, but it is clear that within public policies, the environment is far from being a priority.