Poste actuel (s)London Assembly Member
PartiThe Green Party – Islington
Poste précédent
Date de naissance
LocalisationLondon (borrough of Islington), England, United Kingdom
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Caroline Russell has lived in Highbury, Islington since 1992. She is a walking and cycling campaigner who successfully made the case for 20mph limits on main roads in Islington.

She was elected as the sole opposition councillor in Islington in May 2014, representing Highbury East Ward.

Formerly an artist and art college lecturer, Caroline retrained as a civil engineer in the late nineties. This lead to a period as a volunteer transport campaigner with Living Streets and a range of community activism: community procurement of a school dinners contract, school governor, safer neighbourhood police panel chair and pedestrian campaigner while being a full time parent.

She campaigned London wide for inclusive streets that work for pedestrians as a member of the Living Streets London Action Group recently representing pedestrians on the TfL junction review board. She led one of the first citizen science projects in 2011 that revealed pollution levels on Blackstock Rd that were 75% above EU safety limits.

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