An open letter to French President Emmanuel Macron, written by elected environmentalists, asks him to withdraw his text on the pension reform project in order to preserve the cohesion of the country and to cultivate fraternity. Elected environmentalists believe that this reform is unnecessary and unfair. It is against the will of the French.

Published a few days ago, the letter was signed by more than hundred environmental activists, of which among the first signatories we find Marine Tondelier, national secretary Europe Ecology Les Verts, Cyrielle Chatelain, president of the Ecologist Group at the Assembly national, David Cormand, Member of the European Parliament and Guillaume Gontard, president of the environmental group, solidarity and territories of the Senate.

Mr. President of the Republic,

We, elected environmentalists, are writing to you about the pension reform project that your government has presented. We will not develop further here the reasons why we consider, with the vast majority of French men and women, that this reform is useless and unfair. For long weeks now, the arguments have been exchanged and the positions of each other are known.

If we are addressing you after the important day of mobilization against this reform project of March 7, it is to ask you to finally fulfill your mission: that of bringing together French men and women, of preserving the cohesion of the country , to cultivate fraternity.

When you were elected on April 24, you indicated that you knew that “many of our compatriots voted for me today, not to support the ideas I hold but to block the far right”. And you added: “I want to thank them here and tell them that this vote obliges me for the years to come. I am the custodian of their sense of duty, of their attachment to the Republic and of respect for the differences that have been expressed in recent weeks. This is precisely the time to keep your commitment. You probably think you know better than the French what is good for them, but you can’t reform a country against its inhabitants.

Thanks to the spirit of responsibility shown by the trade unions, all united against this project, this massive opposition is characterized as much by its non-violence as by its determination. You would also be wrong to underestimate this determination of those who have been demonstrating for several weeks now, not only in a few large cities but throughout the country, several hundred processions each day of mobilization.

The unsuitable institutions of the 5th Republic certainly give you the means to force through to impose this reform against the advice of all the trade union organizations and the vast majority of French men and women. But if you choose to continue down this path, you will cause considerable harm to our country. By reinforcing the mistrust of the French people with regard to representative democracy, you feed authoritarian temptations, take on a heavy responsibility for the future and contribute to further fracturing our social pact.

Thus, Mr. President, we elected from the Nation and the territories, solemnly ask you, keep the promise you made on the evening of your victory, fulfill the wish you made for France on the evening of last December 31: that we are a united people. As you know, there is only one way to do this: remove your text.

We ask you to believe, Mr. President, in the expression of our republican feelings.

List of first signatories:

Marine Tondelier, National Secretary Europe Ecology The Greens
Cyrielle Chatelain, President of the Ecologist Group at the National Assembly
David Cormand, MEP
Guillaume Gontard, President of the Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group of the Senate

Christine Arrighi, MP for Haute-Garonne
Anne Babian-Lhermet, Regional Councilor
Benjamin Badouard, Member of the Executive Board of EELV
Kasim Balaban, City Councilor
Jeanne Barseghian, Mayor
Catherine Bassani, Deputy Mayor
Julien Bayou, Deputy
Lisa Belluco, MP
Guy Benarroche, Senator
Olivier Bertrand, Member of the Executive Board
Ugo Bessière, Departmental Councilor of Loire-Atlantique
Francois Billet, City Councilor
Benoît Biteau, Ecologist Member of the European Parliament
Vincent Boileau, City Councilor
Grégory Boisseau, elected municipal official
Pascale Bonniel Chalier, Regional Councilor
Christophe Boulanger, Municipal and Metropolitan Councilor
Katia Bourdin, Regional Councilor
Patrice Boutin, Deputy Mayor
Daniel Breuiller, Senator
Yannick Brohard, Regional Councilor
Nathalie Buchot, Municipal and Community Councilor
Sophie Bussiere, Regional Councilor EELV New Aquitaine
Mélissa Camara, Municipal Councilor of Lille
Hervé Camus, Municipal Councilor of Saint Sébastien sur Loire (44)
Catherine Candelier, EELV Municipal Councilor of Sèvres (92)
Damien Careme, Member of the European Parliament
Alexandra Caron-Cusey, Regional Councilor
Patrick Chaimovitch, Mayor of Colombes
Simon Citeau, Deputy to the Mayor of Nantes
Estelle Cochard, Regional Councilor Delegate for food
Murielle Courtay, Municipal and Agglomeration Councilor
Françoise Coutant, Regional Councilor
Renaud Daumas, Regional Councilor
Monique De Marco, Senator of Gironde
Karima Delli, Member of the European Parliament
Claire Desmares, President of the environmental group at the Brittany Region
Amandine Dewaele, New Aquitaine Regional Councilor
Thomas Dossus, Senator
Christophe Dougé, Mayor
Laurent Dreyfus, Regional Councilor
Laurent Dubost, Loire Atlantique Departmental Councilor
Jean-Luc Dumesnil, Ile-de-France Regional Councilor
Christophe Dumont, Regional Councilor for the Grand Est
Julie Dupuy, Brittany Regional Councilor
Nour Durand-Raucher, Councilor of Paris
Lucie Etonno, Pays de la Loire Regional Councilor
Magali Fenech, Municipal Councilor
Marilyne Forgeneuf, Regional Councilor
Françoise Foubert, Municipal Councilor
Charles Fournier, Deputy
Jérôme Foyer, Mayor
Cécile Germain-Ecuer, Regional Councilor for the Grand Est
Chloé Girardot Moitié, Vice President of the Loire-Atlantique department
Fabienne Grebert, Regional Councilor
Claude Gruffat, MEP
Gérôme Gulli, Member of the EELV Executive Board
Samuel Guy, Departmental Councilor
Pascale Hameau, Regional Councilor for Pays de la Loire
Guillaume Hédouin, Regional Councilor
Catherine Hervieu, Departmental Councilor
Thomas Hutin, Regional Councilor Hauts-de-France
Jérémie Iordanoff, MP for Isère
Yannick Jadot, MEP
Thierry Jolivet, Municipal Councilor
Françis Joly, Departmental Councilor of Calvados
Florian Kobryn, Departmental Councilor of Alsace
Géraldine Krin, Regional Councilor
Julie Laernoes, MP
Gaëlle Lahoreau, Vice-president democracy in the Centre-Val de Loire region
Samia Lakehal, Co Treasurer Executive Office
Loïc Le Hir, Regional Councilor
Judith Leray, Municipal and Community Councilor
Claire Mallard, Regional Councilor
Francis Morlon, Vice-president of the department
Helene Naulin, Deputy City of Nantes
Franck Nicolon, Regional Councilor
Louise Pahun, Departmental Councilor
Jean-Baptiste Pegeon, Ile-de-France Regional Councilor
Ludivine Perard, Regional Councilor
Michel Perrier, municipal councilor of Bonchamp (53)
Sarah Persil, Vice-President of the Bourgogne Franche Comté Regional Council
Sebastien Peytavie, Deputy Dordogne
Eric Piolle, Mayor of Grenoble
Marie Pochon, Ecologist MP for Drôme
Raymonde Poncet, EELV Senator for the Rhône
Hugues Raimbourg, Loiret Departmental Councilor
Jean-Claude Raux, MP
Bastien Recher, Regional Councilor
Sandra Regol, MP
Caroline Reys, Grand Est Regional Councilor
Dahman Richter, Deputy Municipal Councilor
Eliane Romani, Grand Est Regional Councilor
Caroline Roose, Member of the European Parliament
Sandrine Rousseau, Deputy
Laetitia Sanchez, Regional Councilor of Normandy, co-president of the Normandy Ecology group
Laëtitia Sanchez, Mayor and regional councilor
Mounir Satouri, Member of the European Parliament
Magali Sautreuil, Conseillère régionale du Centre-Val de Loire
Gérard Schann, Conseiller régional du Grand Est
Sabrina Sebaihi, Députée des Hauts-de-Seine
Jean-Marc Soubeste, Conseiller départemental
Nicolas Thierry, Député
François Thiollet, Secrétaire national adjoint EELV
Thierry Touche, conseiller municipal et communautaire délégué Le Mans
Marina Verronneau, Conseillère municipale de Metz
Mélanie Vogel, Sénatrice écologiste

Billy Omeonga

Billy Omeonga est diplômé en journalisme et en création littéraire. Je suis titulaire d'une licence en administration des affaires. Je poursuis actuellement un MBA à l'Université du Peuple aux États-Unis d'Amérique. J'aime les activités qui font appel aux idées et à la pensée critique. Je suis passionnée par la nature et la protection de l'environnement. Je crois en la protection de notre planète et de ses ressources naturelles. Je déteste les personnes malhonnêtes et pessimistes. L'honnêteté fait partie intégrante de ma vision du monde et c'est une valeur à laquelle je crois fermement. Je parle couramment le français et l'anglais. Pendant mon temps libre, j'aime lire et jouer du piano. Je désapprouve également le manque de fiabilité. Je suis une personne fiable, et j'attends donc un certain niveau de fiabilité de la part de mes interlocuteurs.

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