Les German Green Party has come under fire recently. In addition, a rulership challenge has been dismissed by the Party, despite recent poor polls number for Annalena Baerbock.

After a promising start this year, the German Green party which was second in the leading poll in May 2021, is showing a loss of steam. Moreover, according to recents opinions the German Green party have dropped down to 18% in the voting intention.

Financial trouble

In April, the Green's rose as much as 28% in opinion polls, Annalena Baerbock was promising to become one of the strong challengers for the chancellor race. However, recents accusation toward Baerbock have shaken the party and now are under 20% of voting intention.

L'un des critiques toward Baerbock is the lack of transparency regarding the payment of the tax on her Christmas bonuses according to several reports, she failed to declare €25,500 of additional income she received in 2018, 2019, and 2020. However, the income was paid later. Robert Habeck, chairman of the party pointed out the critics.

“The last few weeks have not been a masterpiece, but we have to chalk up the mistakes to our own failings.” Mr Habeck conceded

Germany’s Green party co-leaders, Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock, in 2019. 
Photograph: Leon Kuegeler/Reuters

Le Parti Vert stated the Christmas bonuses were not announced at the Bundestag administration, and that the process was confusing and a mist. In Germany, any member of the Bundestag must report paid activities to the parliamentary administration.

Plagiarism accusations

Another problem for Baerbock is the accusation of plagiarism. In June, Stefan Weber an expert in plagiarism practices called out son last book named ‘Now: How We Can Renew Our Country’. Weber accused Baerbock of using some of her writings from other publications and newspapers articles. Baerbocks has cependant since rejected the different accusations of copyrights infringement.

Baerbock has seen supports from the political world. In fact she received support from Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, from the conservative CSU. Seehofer did not see any wrong doing from her side. Moreover Baerbock and the Green Party stated they will consider taking this issue to court, but no definitive actions have been taken.

“Very aware of using facts from open sources.” “No one writes a book alone,” Baerbocks dit.

Annalena Baerbock has published a book outlining her political positions

Le présent is not the first time a politician in Germany has been accused of plagiarism, and this is not a new problem in this country. For example in May of this year, German Family Minister Franziska Giffey stepped down after plagiarism accusations. Over the last ten years at least 20 German political officials have had trouble with copyright and plagiarism accusations.

Baerbock who was seen as a potential chancellor candidate has seen her support dwindled down. This is damaging the Green Party’s chance pour les upcoming election in September. Moreover according to those numbers, the Green would need to form a coalition with another party if they want to create a new government.

Arthur Saint-Mleux

Originaire de France, elle s'est installée à Montréal il y a 4 ans. Je suis titulaire d'une licence en études internationales avec une spécialisation sur le Moyen-Orient. J'aime le sport, les concerts et les voyages. A adopté un chat nommé Oscar.

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