The virtual conference organized by Global Greens on Saturday, February 5 was a real framework for discussion and sharing of ideas on the future of greens in the world.

Among the thirty sessions opened during this conference, we noted that of the African Greens Federation. Hosted by the Hon. (Prof) Robinah K. Nanyunja, the panel brought together elected African Green politicians and former candidates, who in turn discussed how to win elections and strengthen the Green Party movement in Africa. After more than two decades of green politics on the African continent, green parties are still struggling to establish themselves in the political space.

Panelists and participants during this conference examine past and new strategies and experiences in order to redress the situation. The objective pursued through this session was to study the ways and means to strengthen the African green parties, so that they manage to win the elections.
The panel looked at some of the challenges that prevent green parties in Africa from winning elections in their respective countries while showing the long way the continent has to go to achieve green democracy.

The observation made by the participants is that despite the campaign led by the green parties to exercise power, none has succeeded so far in winning the elections at the presidential level.
They cited the case of Rwanda where the Green Party was only able to win 0.47% of the votes cast. On the legislative level, on the other hand, a small step has been taken. There are some green parties who have succeeded in bringing their environmental project to parliament. But, this is only a weak representativeness, if we compare it with that of the Greens in the European Parliament. However, the participants noted progress at the local or regional level, where some local elected representatives come from green parties. But, in most countries, there are no elected representatives from green parties.

To reverse this trend, Dr Fares Mohammed, who was one of the speakers at the conference, listed some important points to help green parties emerge and win elections in Africa. He spoke, among other things, about the contribution and support of the global greens to the actions of the African green movement, the strengthening of the capacities of the greens through the exchange of experiences and expertise, the widening of political participation in involving young people, women, intellectuals but also notables. He also showed the need for communication and popularization of subjects that directly affect local populations. And he talked about the outreach policy of bringing together parallel organizations and NGOs.

The other speakers showed the importance of integrating ecological and environmental concepts in the management of the city and
political priorities. “The defense of the environment must be a priority in the management of key sectors in the life of African States.

The panel sought the support and involvement of global greens to strengthen the Green Party movement on the African continent to improve their presence in political life.

Billy Omeonga

Billy Omeonga est diplômé en journalisme et en création littéraire. Je suis titulaire d'une licence en administration des affaires. Je poursuis actuellement un MBA à l'Université du Peuple aux États-Unis d'Amérique. J'aime les activités qui font appel aux idées et à la pensée critique. Je suis passionnée par la nature et la protection de l'environnement. Je crois en la protection de notre planète et de ses ressources naturelles. Je déteste les personnes malhonnêtes et pessimistes. L'honnêteté fait partie intégrante de ma vision du monde et c'est une valeur à laquelle je crois fermement. Je parle couramment le français et l'anglais. Pendant mon temps libre, j'aime lire et jouer du piano. Je désapprouve également le manque de fiabilité. Je suis une personne fiable, et j'attends donc un certain niveau de fiabilité de la part de mes interlocuteurs.

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