Recently, it was announced that Manitoba’s Green Party will hold a leadership contest. Voters will choose between current leader, James Beddome, and deputy leader, Andrea Shalay.

Beddome has been leading the party since 2008. He does appreciate that someone like Shalay came forward. He mentioned in a recent press release how it is important to have a democratic choice. Bedomme put in good words towards Shalay. They both have worked together and he complimented it.

On the other hand, Andrea Shalay has been with the Green Party for five years. Currently, she is chair of communications and Democratic Critic of Manitoba. She plans on using her knowledge she acquired through her time within the party to make the community better.

Members of Manitoba’s Green Party will be able to cast their votes between November 12 and 26. The results will be announced on the 28 of November during the party’s annual meeting.


Shabrina Rahman

Shabrina Rahman est étudiante en deuxième année à l'Université Bishop's où elle étudie les études internationales avec une double mineure en allemand et en études sportives. Elle est impatiente de partager des nouvelles positives sur les questions environnementales et les partis verts dans le monde entier. Elle pense qu'il est important que les gens acquièrent des connaissances sur ce sujet car nous vivons dans une société où la protection de l'environnement n'est pas aussi forte qu'elle devrait l'être.

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