Poland is entering its 8th day of protests as thousands of activists take to the streets, following the October 22 ruling effectively banning nearly all abortions.
The Polish Greens, Partia Zieloni, released its position on the conservative PiS government’s attempt to tighten abortion laws prior to the ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal.
“The Green Party strongly protests against an attempt to limit access to abortion […] The Green Party with its program and activities always supports and will support Polish women in their fight for dignity, respect and the right to decide about themselves, guaranteed by the Constitution.”
2019 saw the first time Polish Greens were elected as MPs into the national assembly. The Polish Greens are condemning the actions of the PiS government to restrict women’s access to abortion.

Amid protests, President Andrzej Duda has spoken out this morning October 29. Known as a conservative right-wing populist, Duda broke ranks with his party to say that he thinks women should have the right to abortion of fetuses with deadly defects.
In an interview with Polish radio RMF FM, Duda says, “It cannot be that the law requires this kind of heroism from a woman”. The president said he still favors outlawing abortion in cases of fetuses with non-lethal congenital defects, such as Down syndrome. Read excerpts of the interview ici.
The Polish Greens responded via social media to those comments:

Pour plus d'informations :
Green Party of Poland: https://partiazieloni.pl/