The GREENS Switzerland and the SP Switzerland complain about the decision of the Federal Council which rejected the initiative for a climate fund without a counter-project. For the Greens, the Federal Council has simply misunderstood the urgency of climate protection, which constitutes the greatest challenge of our generation to date. Indeed, the climate fund initiative, supported by an alliance of environmental organizations and unions, makes it possible to more quickly convert our society to renewable energies, to guarantee sufficient electricity for the future and to protect biodiversity.
“Climate protection is the greatest task of our time,” said Lisa Mazzone, president of the Green Party of Switzerland. “To strengthen climate protection while being able to strengthen our green energy sovereignty, massive public investments are needed, now.”

The GREEN Switzerland
The resources from the climate fund should make it possible to build more solar panels, accelerate the renovation of buildings, develop public transport and encourage the preservation of biodiversity, which is increasingly threatened.
Likewise, the climate fund makes it possible to invest more in sustainable and secure jobs, while continuing training and professional retraining ensure that no one falls through the cracks of the social net and that we have the qualified workforce necessary to accomplish this task of the century.
“We can only meet the challenge of the climate crisis with a socially just and collective solution,” said SP Switzerland co-president Mattea Meyer. “Our parents and grandparents created the AVS, founded the EPF and built the NLFA. We are going to ensure that Switzerland is climate neutral.”
With the climate fund, Switzerland would take a step towards independence from oil and natural gas, which are destroying our climate and helping to finance wars. Today, Switzerland is massively dependent on fossil fuel supplies from abroad, which prevents significant investments in the country and strengthens autocratic states.