The Global Greens 2023 Conference, also known as the Korea 2023, is an international convention for green political parties and movements from around the world. It will take place in Seoul, South Korea from May 18th to 21st, 2023. This event is organized by the Global Greens, a network of Green parties and political movements from around the world that promote the values of ecology, social justice, nonviolence, and participatory democracy.

The Global Greens 2023 will bring together leaders and delegates from Green parties and movements from all continents. The participants will engage in discussions and debates on the latest developments in the global green movement, as well as exchange experiences and ideas on how to tackle the challenges facing the world today.

The theme of the Global Greens 2023 is “Greening the Future: Building a Just and Sustainable World”. The convention will focus on the role of green politics in addressing the urgent ecological, social, and political challenges of our time. It will explore how the green movement can contribute to building a just and sustainable future, and how it can help promote peace, democracy, and human rights around the world.

The program of the Global Greens 2023 will include plenary sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities for participants. The plenary sessions will feature keynote speeches by prominent green leaders, as well as debates on various issues related to green politics, such as climate change, social justice, and participatory democracy. The workshops will provide opportunities for participants to share their experiences, best practices, and ideas on specific topics, such as green economy, environmental justice, and political strategy.

The Global Greens 2023 will also provide a platform for the participants to network and build relationships with green leaders and activists from around the world. This will help to strengthen the global green movement and increase its impact on the international stage.

In conclusion, the Global Greens 2023 is an important event for anyone who is interested in the future of our planet and the role of green politics in shaping it. The convention will provide a space for green leaders and activists to come together, exchange ideas, and chart a course for the future. If you are passionate about the environment, social justice, and democracy, this is an event that you won’t want to miss. Register now!

Global Green News

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