Inspired by BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau, Jeremy Valeriote succeeded in becoming the first BC Green MLA in West Vancouver – Sea to Sky after replacing Jordan Sturdy, BC Liberal’s previous MLA in his constituency. Green leader Sonia Furstenau endorsed the newly elected Green MLA during his election campaign by stating that Valeriote has the ability to acknowledge environmental problems and is already invested in working on solutions.
Prior to being elected to the legislature, Valeriote was elected as a councillor in Gibson town, BC for 4 years, and as a director at Sunshine Coast Regional district for almost 2 years. He acquired a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Geological Engineering and is currently working toward a master’s degree in Leadership studies at Royal Roads University. Valeriote’s gained skills at the local government and environmental administration have prepared him to assess and generate possible methods to support and protect both the community and environment of West Vancouver – Sea to Sky.
“Right now, if we’re going to get anywhere with these recurring problems on the Sea to Sky or elsewhere, we need a fresh, collaborative approach.”
Jeremy Valeriote, BC Green Party MLA in West Vancouver – Sea to Sky – Retrieved from Valeriote’s social media.
The Green MLA Jeremy Valeriote hopes for politics to change. He is interested in co-operative and inclusive political practices that will direct West Vancouver – Sea to Sky towards a healthier and more sustainable future. Valeriote is serious about solutions that relieve small businesses from COVID-19 shock, invest in affordable housing, increase various housing options, and improve the public transit system. Furthermore, he recognizes the climate crisis which faces people and is eager to work alongside government and political parties to find solutions.
“If there’s been one clear reminder for me after knocking on hundreds of doors and talking to over a thousand people in this election campaign, it’s this: voters are incredibly sophisticated in their understanding of B.C. politics.”
Jeremy Valeriote, BC Green Party MLA in West Vancouver – Sea to Sky – Retrieved from Valeriote’s social media.
The Green Party of British Columbia no longer has the balance of power in the legislature after the NDP’s majority government. However, the growing support they have been receiving in BC is noticeable and vibrant as people are leaning towards more climate-friendly policies. The shift of West Vancouver – Sea to Sky from a Liberal to a Green region has proven the extended influence of the BC Green Party. According to Global News, BC Green MLA Jeremy Valeriote stated that “it says a lot about the Green’s message resonating and the scope is expanding”.