The Green Party of Argentina firmly condemned the National Government’s decision to allow seismic exploration in the waters of the Argentine Sea on the anniversary of the #Atlanticazo. The party supports the citizens and organizations in their opposition to this decision and reiterates their stance with the hashtag #NoEsNo.
The Green Party believes that extractivism is an irrational logic that destroys entire communities and that no extractive activity is 100% safe, with its consequences being irreversible. Seismic exploration severely affects marine wildlife and fishing, which is one of the most important activities in the country. A minor oil spill, which is inevitable, will cause oil stains that will flow from the Falkland Islands towards the north and potentially reach the coasts of Uruguay and Brazil, causing permanent damage to the marine life and fishing industry.
Both the national and Buenos Aires provincial governments support this activity, along with business owners who are only seeking economic gains in collaboration with the current government. The Green Party proposes sustainable development of the economy that protects the environment and ensures social justice. The Atlantic coast culture is maritime, and its people live and depend on the sea. For this reason, the Green Party supports the mobilization of the entire Atlantic coast and reiterates its rejection of resolution 436/2021 signed by Alberto Fernández, Juan Luis Manzur, and Juan Cabandié.
In conclusion, the Green Party calls out the government for lacking social license for this decision and reminds everyone that the climate crisis is a reality.