Katrín Jakobsdóttir’s announced that her bill had passed and posted the following statement on social media: “Yesterday, the Althingi approved my bill on the protection of whistleblowers, which I submitted to the Althingi last autumn. This is the first comprehensive law on this subject, but the bill was drafted by a committee on reforming legislation in the field of freedom of expression, media and information, which I appointed in the spring of 2018. The law will enter into force at the end of next year, but it will apply to whistleblowers, regardless of whether they work in the public or private market. They apply to employees who provide information in good faith or disseminate data on breaches of the law or other reprehensible conduct in the activities of their employers. This is an important milestone in the issues that have been worked on during this election period and are intended to strengthen transparency in Icelandic society.”

Í gær samþykkti Alþingi frumvarp mitt um vernd uppljóstrara sem ég lagði fyrir þingið síðastliðið haust. Þetta eru…

Posted by Katrín Jakobsdóttir on Wednesday, May 13, 2020

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