Lenore Morris has been named as the Green Party’s new candidate for MP of the territory of Yukon.
Morris’ Background
Long time Yukon resident, Lenore Morris, is a lawyer, business owner, and candidate for the Green Party. In addition of a Law degree from the University of Victoria, Lenore has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Trent University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Montana.
Morris is heavily involved with community engagement efforts in Yukon, such as the Kluane Mountain Music Festival and Whitehorse Soccer Legends.
2019 Federal Election
Since 2012, Morris has been a member of the Green Party’s Yukon Electoral District Association. She first ran in the federal election back in 2019 with her platform focusing heavily on environmental issues. As reported by Yukon News, she was disappointed with other parties’ lack of responsibility towards in environmental issues.
“I’m concerned and distressed that no other national party, particular any of the ruling parties, and that means the Liberals and Conservatives, are paying adequate attention to the environment or making it any kind of serious priority.”
-Lenore morris
Throughout her campaign, Morris attempted to strategize ways to move away from fossil fuels in Yukon. In June of 2019, a month before the election, Yukon Energy Corp. pitched their plans for a new fossil-fuel powered energy plant. While the facility increased Yukon’s power supply, it also pushed back the need to actualize geothermal, wind and solar power. Morris admits that she, herself is a capitalist, but as disclosed by Yukon News, she believes that businesses can and should be used to transition away from a fossil fuel reliant economy.
2021 Federal Election
Morris was unsuccessful in the 2019 election, ranking fourth place with just over two thousand votes. However, she remained passionate about her potential role in government, and has decided to run again in this years’ snap election. Morris will not be present for a significant part of her campaign before elections take place on September 20th. She is currently on a two-week kayaking trip in B.C. The trip was planned in early January before she knew elections would be taking place. According to CBC, Morris acknowledged that her leave may cause setbacks:
“It’s not optimal,” she said. “But for the time I’m not on the ocean, I should still be accessible.”
She wrote in a Facebook post, “I say that if COVID has taught us one thing it’s that we can do a lot of stuff remotely!”. Since announcing her candidacy, Morris has completed four media interviews and dozens of phone calls on the go.
On August 20th, Morris campaigned with Elizabeth May, the previous leader of the Canadian Green Party. May is running for office in the municipality of Saanich and the Gulf islands.

See Lenore Morris’ information page here
For more on the Canadian Greens:
Canada’s Green Party Postpones its Disputed National Convention
Green Party of Canada React to United Nations IPCC report on Climate Change
Elizabeth May Voices her Opinion on the Recent Green Party of Canada Controversies