Following profound disagreements on social issues the European Greens have voted to eject the Latvian Green Party from the European organization. The EU Greens say that the Latvian Green Party has undertaken “Political activity that contradicts the Green values and the Green charter” as well as “Not fulfilling and devoting to the democratic and Green principles in its own organisation” and a “Chronical lack of response, interest and initiative to be active with and within the European Greens”. The Latvian Green Party has promoted homophobic views and campaigned against core principles of the Green Movement.

The chairperson of the Latvian Green Party, Edgars Tavars told the Baltic News Network that «it became harder and harder to associate our party with so-called modern European greens. This was proven as much by the most recent congress, in which we were publicly criticized for our negative views on same-sex marriage, our lack of support for Russian minorities’ rights for state-funded education in Russian language, as well as our defence of patriotism and not global views,»

Edgars Tavars had also endorsed President Donald Trump.

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