The Green Party of Switzerland considers this unique modifying act as an important step towards a secure and renewable electricity supply.
“Without the single amending act on electricity, our supply of renewable energy is no longer assured. This act is an important step in reducing our CO2 emissions and mitigating the climate crisis,” Delphine Klopfenstein Broggini, GE national advisor.

Greens resolutely defend the single amending act on energy (“federal law for a secure electricity supply based on renewable energies”), attacked by an irresponsible referendum, because it threatens the security of supply in renewable energies in Switzerland. Without this federal law, there will be no more support for renewables. The parliamentary group unanimously supports the law and the Green leadership will recommend Yes at its assembly of delegates on January 27.

This federal law finally takes the energy turn concretely in hand by ensuring the development of renewable energies: it extends financial aid and guarantees our supply in winter thanks to the strengthening of hydraulics. This is a good compromise because, even if renewable energies have priority, the interests of nature and the landscape will continue to be taken into account.

In order to complement it and further protect biodiversity, the VERT-E-S have launched two initiatives: the solar initiative plans to develop solar energy, where it does not bother anyone and even less nature or the landscape, it is i.e. on roofs or facades. The climate fund initiative wants to create a state fund, which will provide additional resources to control the dual crises of biodiversity and the climate.

The Swiss population has clearly spoken out in favor of reducing greenhouse gases to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, even by clearly saying Yes to the climate protection law last June . It is now a matter of taking action, in particular thanks to this key instrument which is the single modifying act on electricity.

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