To guarantee the respect and promotion of indigenous languages ​​in the legislative field, the Greens deputy, Ciria Yamile Salomón Durán, proposed that the platform of the Chamber of Deputies be used by the elected representatives to promote indigenous languages ​​when their Interventions are authorized by the president of the board in agreement with the Commission on Indigenous and Afro-Mexican Peoples.

In accordance with the initiative that modifies article 31 of the Regulations of the Chamber of Deputies, Salomón Durán explained that when these interventions are made in indigenous languages, they will be translated into Spanish through the corresponding telematic resources and will be carried out with courtesy and in compliance with parliamentary regulations.

The Green MP highlighted the need to create a legal framework that facilitates the use of indigenous languages ​​in the legislative field. She added that Article 31 of the Chamber of Deputies establishes the rules for the use of the platform and the proposed addition aims to expand these provisions to include the use of indigenous languages.

She showed that it is a clear and regulated process for interventions in indigenous languages ​​to be carried out in an orderly and understandable manner, guaranteeing the full participation of speakers of indigenous languages ​​in plenary sessions.

“This reform not only strengthens the rights of indigenous peoples, but also enriches the legislative process by integrating the cultural diversity of Mexico, which constitutes an important step towards the construction and consolidation of a more inclusive and democratic country, where all voices, in all areas, their languages, can be heard and respected,” she noted.

Salomón Durán also stated that the objective is to strengthen the linguistic and cultural rights of indigenous peoples, so that this amendment is a step towards building a more just, inclusive and respectful Mexico, and that it is the responsibility of the legislative branch to ensure that this step is taken with firmness and conviction.

She highlighted that this initiative also responds to Mexico’s international commitments on human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples, notably within the framework of the Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages ​​2022-2032.

Billy Omeonga

Billy Omeonga graduated in Journalism and Creative Writing. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I am currently pursuing an MBA at the University of the People in the United States of America. I love activities that involve ideas and critical thinking. I am passionate about nature and protecting the environment. I believe in protecting our planet and its natural resources. I hate dishonest and pessimistic people. Honesty is an integral part of my view of the world and it is a value in which I strongly believe. I speak French and English fluently. In my free time, I like to read and play the piano. Also, I disapprove of the unreliability. I am a reliable person, so I expect a certain level of reliability from those I am reliable to.

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