In less than a year, on Sunday October 8, 2023, Luxembourg voters will elect their new deputies to the Chamber.
The Green Party of Luxembourg (Déi Gréng) is already preparing to win these elections hands down. The Green Party leadership has just nominated Sam Tanson as the party’s lead candidate for the upcoming national elections.
In a press release, the party indicates that the electoral commission of the Greens of Luxembourg has decided unanimously in favor of the Minister of Justice and Culture. An extraordinary congress of the Greens should however meet on Tuesday to validate the proposal of the electoral commission. A three-fifths majority is required.
This is the first time that the party has presented a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Until now, it has always designated two heads of list for each of the country’s four electoral constituencies. As part of an amendment to the statutes adopted last month, the party decided to elect a head of the national list from among the eight names proposed.
The next legislative elections will allow Luxembourgers to elect the 60 deputies who will make up the Chamber of Deputies for the next five years. 23 deputies will be elected for the South constituency, 21 for the Centre, 9 for the North and 7 to represent the East of the country.
2023 will be a double electoral year since four months before these national elections, the municipal elections set for June 11, 2023 will take place. The law on municipal elections having been modified this summer, there will be more than 68,000 additional potential voters for the next municipal elections.