Miljøpartiet De Grønne (MDG), the Green Party of Norway, showed interest in cooperating with the Labour Party and the Socialist People’s Party in the upcoming elections in 2021. MDG co-leader Une Aina Bastholm said: “We are a green party, neither red nor blue, and are open to cooperating across the traditional blocks.”
“We are a green party, neither red nor blue, and are open to cooperating across the traditional blocks.”
Une Aina Bastholm – Co-leader of MDG
Bastholm had a few words to share with Norwegian people: “Our goal is to have a decisive influence on Norway’s next government, so that this will be the greenest ever. It will be noticed that climate emissions are declining rapidly and Norway is contributing to at least halving climate emissions in ten years.”
Bastholm also mentions how a government with only Labour Party and Socialist People’s party creating a majority with the Liberal Party can create problems or become a disaster as she mentioned to Nationen. “It can quickly become a disaster for today’s young people and the world’s most vulnerable. They have a right to prevent the climate crisis and the enormous loss of nature and species,” she mentions.
Moreover, Bastholm mentions how having the Green Party in the government will “ensure the integrity and high enough ambitions of a government on the left”. She also says that in order for the Labor and Social Dems to have the support of the MDG, they need to put an importance on subjects like climate and nature.
The members of the MDG continue to stay open about a possible cooperation as it can lead to more green policies within the government. The next Norwegian election will take place on September 13th. It will have all 169 seats in the Norwegian legislature and the Sorting open up for grabbing.