There were several dozen of them who responded to this invitation. Women working within the Green Party of Morocco attended a training session on ecological leadership aimed at all women in this political party, in partnership with the Dutch Green Party.
This training is part of a series of training courses initiated by the Moroccan Green Party in collaboration with its partners with a view to strengthening the capacities of the women of the Party through the training of a generation of qualified women ecologists capable of defending ecology and environmental issues of the party.
The two-day training allowed participants to acquire various knowledge in the areas of communication, management and advocacy to enable them to participate more actively in the internal life of the party and its organization.
In a statement to MAP, the secretary general of the Moroccan Green Party, Mohamed Fares, indicated that this session is part of a series of training sessions organized by the Moroccan Green Party for the benefit of party members, notably women and young people who constitute the most active category of the party and who will contribute to the continued construction of a democratic and modern society.
This activity is part of the partnership that links the Moroccan Green Party with these partners, he said, welcoming the contribution of the Dutch Green Party in the training of party executives.
On the menu for this session, a working session to plan the organization of the women of the Party and several training workshops for the benefit of green women.