Greens stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and Russia who oppose the invasion

The Green Party of the United States is calling on the leaders of the United States, NATO and Russia to immediately initiate diplomatic talks together with Ukrainian leadership to resolve the crisis in Ukraine.

“The threat of all-out nuclear war is hanging over everyone.  The US and other countries should be working together to combat climate change instead of fighting over resources that gain profits for the multinational corporations,” said Rita Jacobs, member of the Green Party’s Peace Action Committee. We call on the parties involved to pursue a diplomatic solution through the United Nations, in accordance with international law. A serious solution that prioritizes the lives of Ukrainian civilians will require an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of Russian troops, a promise of no US troops or arms in Ukraine, and a commitment to diplomacy.

“We reject the insipid demands of US and European politicians and media to pick one side or another,” said Matthew Hoh, Green Party candidate for US Senate in North Carolina. “Rather we choose another side—the people—and condemn the decades-long policies of US, NATO, Russian, and Ukrainian leaders that have led to this point.” 

“Let’s not fool ourselves, this is also about control of resources and riches among world powers,” said Margaret Elisabeth, Green Party US National Co-Chair. “Putin wants to preserve Russia’s natural gas exports while the US wants control over Europe’s spigots, and Europe teeters between desire for cheap and available gas and the need to move away from fossil fuel energy sources. Fossil-fuel addiction is so intense that superpowers are still willing to go to war over it instead of kicking the habit to save the planet. We need a global Green New Deal to move away as quickly as possible from fossil-fuel addiction.” 

Green Party US declares solidarity with Russians who oppose the invasion, often at great personal cost, and joins peace activists in Russia, Ukraine and around the world in demanding a negotiated solution.

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