Everyone, including those with autism, has the right to enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health that they are capable of achieving. Mexico does not have specific statistics to determine how many people with autism or other neurodivergence have difficulty entering the workforce and/or are unemployed. On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, the national leader of the Mexican Green Ecologist Party, Karen Castrejón, took the opportunity to draw the attention of governments and the population to the importance of raising awareness in society about characteristics and needs of people living with this illness, in order to remove the boundaries that limit their development and integration into the work environment.
Mrs. Karen Castrejón Trujillo, recalled that according to specialists from the Ministry of Health, one in 100 people in the world live with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is why they emphasize the importance of their access to language therapies , sensory stimulation, socio-emotional development and motor rehabilitation, preceded by early diagnosis, as this has been proven to significantly contribute to the development of skills in the social environment.
Castrejón Trujillo pointed out that although Mexico does not have specific statistics to determine how many people with autism or other neurodivergence are unemployed, some organizations estimate that, worldwide, around 80 percent of People with this disorder are unemployed. The young population is the one that faces the greatest problems in this area.
“It is necessary to carry out dissemination campaigns on this problem and on other troubles,” urged the environmental leader, before recalling that, to contribute to the inclusion of work, the Greens have formed a synergy in recent months with certain organizations and presented, both in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Republic, a proposal that establishes incentives for companies and employers that hire people with disabilities.
“In the Green Party, we have the firm conviction of working so that Mexico moves forward without leaving anyone behind. We have presented initiatives in this regard and currently one of our campaign proposals aims to generate decent jobs for people with disabilities, with benefits such as exemption from taxes and employer social security contributions, for the companies that hire them,” detailed the national leader of this political party.
All people deserve to live with equality and respect, regardless of their condition or neurotype, with greater social awareness and better public policies, we can eliminate the problems that autistic people face in the workplace.
Since the United Nations General Assembly designated April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day in 2007, the United Nations has observed the day as a way to affirm and promote the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of autistic people. Considerable progress has been made in autism awareness and acceptance, thanks in part to the many autism advocates who have worked tirelessly to bring the experiences of autistic people to the rest of the world.